Hi All,
I’m so excited to finally be posting my first post to launch “The Love Games” and my chapter sneak peek.
I think I can safely say that everyone wishes for love in her or his life, but there are too few safe places where this vital human emotion can be openly discussed. So with Romeo and Juliet as "guardian angels," I'm hoping this blog can become an open forum where, in coming months -- through chats, challenges, giveaways and competitions -- we will explore the way romance informs, defines and illuminates our lives.
The excerpt you’ve just read on my website (www.robinmaxwell.com) from O, JULIET takes place on her bedroom balcony. But did you know that Shakespeare never once mentions a balcony in his famous play? All he says is that Juliet calls to Romeo “from above.” Elizabethan theater directors putting on early productions were the ones who conceived of the balcony, but this architectural feature has, over the centuries, become synonymous with the most romantic scene in literary history.
My own Romeo, Max Thomas, proposed marriage to me on bended knee amidst piles of packing boxes in the L.A. apartment we had moved into the day before. So despite its less-than-exotic or candlelit location, I would place that on my short list of romantic settings and utterances.
What would you count as yours? A place – indoors or out – where “love happened.” And what are the sweetest sentiments ever spoken to you in that place? Please share them with me and everyone visiting this blog...which is dedicated 100% to my favorite emotion.
Lots of love,